Re: Fixing GD Opener (was: Saving the Garage Door Opener)
Original Poster: "Basura, Brian" <brian.basura-at-unistudios-dot-com>
opener. Now I'm off to try and find a replacement IC which has a strange
p/n on it. Anyone recognize a 25C19CX?
Brian D. Basura
Hi Brian,
You´ve got a problem on your hands. The IC you are talking about is a CMOS
EPROM. No problem getting that. But this (blown) eprom has (well it HAD !!!
until you knocked it silly with your TC) your garage door opener data on it.
You know xmitter code, reciever code, etc. Your data is gone, as the TC erased
it with lasting effects.
You could contact the maker of your GD opener, but I would make a bet that you
will pay big bucks for it. (The IC is pennies, the code is what costs)
However, if you know someone who has the same GD opener AND if your GD opener
has a code learning xmitter/reciever, the you could just copy the EPROM with a
Eprom burner and save yourself big $$$. If your GD opener has a fixed code,
you are out of luck, because this make every code unique. You would have to
know in which cell to look (to change the code).
Lots of luck,
Manual (TC safe and approved) garage door opener greets from germany,