Re: First coil I built (More tests!)
<Big Snips>
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Malcolm Watts" <MALCOLM-at-directorate.wnp.ac.nz>
> Hi Richie,
> > Original Poster: "R.E.Burnett" <R.E.Burnett-at-newcastle.ac.uk>
> >
> > First coil I built (More tests!)
> I'd say primary energy is your major limitation. I'd be tempted to
> try a bigger coil with that power supply. Be interested to hear
> other's views.
> Malcolm
I was looking at your specs last night in some detail. Your coil appears to be
doing well. I say that based on the size. It is rather narrow (~4") with a h/d
of 7:1. I'm not sure how you could improve upon what you have except to begin
fine tuning such as Malcolm suggested. One area you might want to consider is
the "type of arc" your coil is putting out. Is it several streamers all around
the coil or one or two. Richard Hall recently posted on ratio's of inductances
and capacities as well as the type of output which is desirable for long
channels (excellent post). My goal is to maintain a singular output arc and
get it as white and long as possible. Just thought I'd mention this for
consideration. Personally, I would think about building a bigger coil, but I
would definately begin playing with the one you got by maybe adding a second
toroid, increasing coupling, etc. to see what more you can do with it (you
might be surprised, heck, we all might be surprised).