Re: [newbie] it this transformer ok?
to: Paolo
Your 100 ma xmfr can supply a lot of current. Most coils benefit from a
relatively large diameter secondary inductor. If you can wind a coil with
a 6 inch dia x 28 inch long tube or 8 inch dia x 26 inch long your sparks
would become very long. You will need a capacitor of approximately .01 MFD
with a 2 or 3 electrode series gap (better quenching or turn off of the
spark). A small 8 x 3 inch toroid fashioned from some clothes dryer
ducting would top it off. If possible, try to obtain a transformer with a
big more voltage ---- around 6 or 9 kV which will fire your spark gap more
Happy coilin' in Italy.
> From: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: [newbie] it this transformer ok?
> Date: Sunday, October 25, 1998 7:12 AM
> Original Poster: Paolo <pagaiard-at-geocities-dot-com>
> Hi all!
> My name is Paolo Gaiardelli, I'm from Italy.
> This is my first message to the list.
> I've got a couple of questions:
> -I've a 2500V 100mA neon sign transformer, is this ok for a tesla coil?
> -I've built a 1"ID x 15" coil with 33gauge wire, and I get 3" sparks
> from it, I guess this is a bit too short spark.
> Is there any way to get longer sparks using that 2500V transformer?
> Thank you for your help:-)
> Paolo