Re: MOTs
In a message dated 10/27/98 12:36:47 AM Mountain Standard Time,
tesla-at-pupman-dot-com writes:
> What do I do with the filament transformer windings
> located between the primary and secondary? Just cut the ends off and
> about it? I don't see how I could get it apart to get them out, the core
> welded together.
I was able to remove the center winding by cutting off the connecter lugs
and simply pulling the wire out with a pair of needle nose pliers. It wasn't
easy with the first turn, but was easier after that. The hardest part was
breaking the glue, but it is not that difficult.
>How do you find out if it is shunted - try the jacobs ladder test
>and see if the lights go out?
>From what I have heard, even if it is shunted(mine seems to be), it will draw
too much current when shorted. Why not put a 100K or so, power resistor
across the secondary and let it have a load and reflected impedance and then
measure the current draw? I was wondering why those trying to use MOT's for
inductive ballast for a pig don't do this rather than shorting the secondary.
I could be missing something here.