Re: What exactly is a "pig"
A "Pig", "Pole-Pig", and Pole Distribution Transformer are all the same
thing. Those lovable little grey cans sitting on the pole that provide your
house with power. Run them backwards and you have one hella high
voltage transformer. Altho you WILL DIE if you accidently touched one
while on they are on. These are what you need for massive coils with
output in the 10's of feet range.
Member of The Oklahoma Tesla Coil Builders
>Original Poster: AuroraOne-at-webtv-dot-net
>I am new to this list and in Tesla devices in general. I have heard
>people make reference to a "pig" numerous times recently. I'm just
>wondering, what exactly is a "pig?" I assume it to be a large
>transformer of some sort. But beyond that, I am completely in the dark.
>Can anyone quench my curiousity? Thanks.
>Chris T.