
Re: Sparklength inquiry

In a message dated 98-09-22 07:16:29 EDT, you write:

<< Awhile back, someone (perhaps Mark Rzeszotarski?)
> came up with a curve fit of power consumption vs
> coil scale.  I remember that it seemed to fit the
> real-world data fairly well, and that it's baseline
> showed that coil power increases with the *square*
> of the coil dimensions.  

Greg, all,

I posted the square law suggestion some time ago, based on my
results with the sync gap coils in which I obtained 42" sparks using
620 watts, and 64" sparks using 1570 watts.  I was relating input
power to spark length.  I then scaled up the spark lengths using the
square law, and your 25" spark TC fit well on the curve.  This
posting was before I improved the efficiency of my coils, the old
figures were:

Power input                spark length          toroid dia (inches)
680 W                    actual       42"                   20
2100 W                   actual       65"                   30
8400 W                               134"                   60
33.6kW                                22'                  120
67kW                                  31'                  240   
134kW                                 44'                  480
538kW                                 88'                  960

Your heat-in-the-arc core conservation theory sounds reasonable
to me. 

John Freau

> If we assume that all coils under consideration are
> operated at their optimum BPS (to get BPS out of the
> equation) then arc length seems to be more directly 
> related to output power, as the total arc volume must 
> be super-heated in order to be an arc in the first place.
> Doubling the arclength should increase arc volume by 8,
> but the square/cube law may help to conserve heat in the 
> core, possibly resulting in just a squared relationship.
> I tend to view the TC as a furnace in this way, and 
> more *power* is necessary for more plasma.
Agreed, JF
> -GL >>