

From:  Edward V. Phillips [SMTP:ed-at-alumni.caltech.edu]
Sent:  Saturday, January 31, 1998 3:41 AM
To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject:  Re:  NEON AND SHUNTS?

"Removing shunts allows more primary magnetic flux to engauge the
secondary, increasing the secondary's short circuit current. Since
there's no free lunch (on Chip's List)"

	The effect of the shunt is to increase the leakage in
inductance of the transformer.  This means that the internal
voltage source is in series with an effective resistance of the
order of 5000 ohms and an inductance of the order of 500
henries for a typical 60 mil transformer.  Connecting a capacitor
to the secondary partly "cancels" the series reactance, so that
the output voltage with the capacitor is actually greater than
without it. (The main source of blown NST's, in my opinion.  In
my early foolish days I lost quite a few because of opening the
gap too far, before I thought it all out.  Haven't lost any since.)

	Anyhow, seems to me that removing the shunt is a complete
waste of time unless one wants to really overload the transformer
for short periods of time until it overheats.  Only benefit would
be better voltage regulation, so that loading on more capacitance
(and hence allowing more power in the oscillating circuit) wouldn't
result in so much voltage increase and opportunity for blooing
the transformer.

	Any comments?
