Re: MMC - its alive
My comments below.
Original Poster: NickandSim-at-aol-dot-com
>Hi All,
>I just put my 0.013uF 12200V mmc into my little (300W) coil.
>Boy this beats glass plate and bottle caps. Sizzling corona 6"
>from the discharge terminal and the spark gap sounds like a
>harrier taking off in my garage. The xfmr is 6/60 so the cap
>is nicely overated (I do not believe that peak ac=dc for very
>long) This one uses 2 strings of 7 philips 0.047uF 1600V
>caps on parallel and cost
Well, as I have mentioned in other posts, my MMC has a
1hr.+ runtime behind it and has suffered NO ill effects. If I
were you, I would be concerned about the amperage your
caps have to deliver. As you are only using two strings,
each string has to supply 1/2 the total current. W/o knowing
your exact specs, I can only give it a guess, but I think around
150-200A primary current isnīt too high. This means each
string will have to deliver between 75 and 100A. Might be
a bit marginal.......... Also that 13nF cap is only about 40%
of the max cap size that your xformer can power.