Re: PE-Caps, tests, and some questions
On Wed, 21 Apr 1999 11:51:59 -0600 Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> writes:
>Original Poster: Chris Tominkson <internetinbox-at-yahoo-dot-com>
>The other day I tested some Aluminum
>Flashing/Polyethelyne caps and I realized that the Al
>flashing is really hard to roll, and also the
>recomended 90 Mils of PE is way too much to roll with
>Al flashing, and I had three other people helping me.
>I calculated the caps to be .005 uF, but when rolled
>they were way too low (like 7 or 8 times too low),
>because of misaligned plates, air gaps, and we were
>just unable to make them work. So we made the
>polyethelyne 12 Mils thick, with the same plates, and
>got a .0198 uF off the fluke, thats huge! And those
>were very easy to roll, we probably could have got
>even more with Aluminum Foil, since it could be rolled
But there's all that stuff about the weakness of the foil, and it's
ability to carry the HF currents is worse for its thiness
>But why I wrote this post is this: A lot (6+) of
>smaller capacitors would be a lot easier to create,
>roll, and handle than one or two big ones.
Quit true! And, the properties are much better for pulse caps-- that's
how professional ones are made; by stringing together in a
series/parallel arrangement until the proper values are reached.
>Any response would be appreciated
With silent lightning in my hands,
-The Electrophile-
Grayson Dietrich
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