304TH vs 833A?
Hello everyone. Seeing all the notes flying around about using an 833A, I
was able to find a tube in my
junk box and had tried it out at Robert Stephens place last year. However
we found that the tube was
soft and I put the idea of putting together a coil using that tube on the
back burner until I was able to get another tube.
I know have stumbled upon some other tubes and I was wondering whether the
the 304H and 304TH could
be used instead of the 833A? If they could be used, does anyone have any
schematics or design concepts on using this type of tube. I would be
getting these tubes and associated hardware in exchange for some other
stuff in my junk box..............isn't it great being a bit of a pack rat :) !
Looking foward to any replies
Richard - VE3FAC
2 Gammatron 304H serials 2995 and 11652
1 Eimac 304TH (no serial number found)
3 connectors for anode pins
3 holddown brackets with grid caps
3 tube sockets