833A specs at net
From: Kristian Ukkonen [SMTP:kukkonen-at-cc.hut.fi]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 1998 8:29 PM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: 833A specs at net
On Thu, 26 Feb 1998, Tesla List wrote:
> If you'd like I can scan the RCA book pages for you and send it to you
> directly as an email attachment - let me know the graphic format you prefer:
> TIFF or GIF (or something else).
They are already available at nic.funet.fi at
(www does not yet list specs on xray, electrometer etc. tubes
but all specs listed in 00TUBES are there. Use ftp to get the
files not available via www. I'll try to correct the situation
as soon as possible.)
Kristian Ukkonen.
| Kristian Ukkonen | Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law |
| kukkonen-at-alpha.hut.fi |_____ Chance favours the prepared mind |-------
| http://www.hut.fi/~kukkonen | Fear is the mind-killer |---------
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