Re: Tesla Coil Operation - was "Harmonics"
Thanks. I didn't know about Kirchoff and Hertz. (this is all pretty
interesting to someone (me) who's study of history was limited to inbred
Tudor politicians).
Energy is transferred between the primary and secondary with losses . .
. A mechanical model would have to include those losses. Is there
something here I don't understand?
I would think that even the magnetic circuit would have some "loss"
(defining loss as producing unintentional form(s) of energy). Ignoring
the obvious IR losses, I figure the TC primary circuit would produce
some effects like an MRI scanner (energy used to move particles). Move
the whole thing into space and there may be no losses, but has that ever
been proven experimentally . . . "billions of frequencies not
interfering with one another," would seem to support the idea of no
losses to magnetic energy in space. The frequencies do interfere with
one another, constructively and destructively, and are influenced by
Any electromagnetic field goes out forever, but with billions of fields
around, a single field probably goes no further than it takes to
encounter a field of opposite polarity, similar polarization, and
sufficient strength to cancel it. (There must be a flaw in that
reasoning, because it sounds like the destruction of energy).
this is all getting far afield from Tesla coils . . .
take care
bob misiura