Re: Tesla Coil Operation - was "Harmonics"
Dear all,
With reference to magnifiers:
> Original Poster: "D.C. Cox" <DR.RESONANCE-at-next-wave-dot-net>
> Also, you want to keep the k factor of the driver around 0.6 if possible to
> couple the greatest possible amount of energy into this system.
I wonder in the light of what we now know about magnifiers and Ksys
whether this rule of thumb isn't in fact outdated? Consider: Ksys
usually falls into the range of a typical 2-coil system and we know
that the mag driver can hardly be regarded as a stiff voltage source
so why not up Kdriver to the highest value possible? It has been
done in solid state coils so why not cap discharge ones? I know the
voltage developed by the driver poses clearance problems between
primary and secondary if one is to get near Kdriver ~ 1 but that