Re: Tesla Coil Operation - was "Harmonics"
Tesla List wrote:
> >From what I understand, the idea was to transmit ground currents, not radio
> waves. Several people have done the ground current experiments, and they
> seem to work. However, the environmental impact of such a system can only
> be imagined ;)
Ground currents were used as return path in early telegraphy
with just one wire, with return trough the ground), and are still used
as emergency backup for some kinds of power transmission.
But to use this with reasonable efficiency, the current must go to the
destination point through conventional wires, just returning trough the
ground. Otherwise the problem is similar to the propagation of radio
waves, that use ground currents too, with kilowatts of transmission
and microvolts of received electric field, kilometers away.
Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz