
Re: pole pig needed

  I'd like to have one of these. I live in northern Kentucky. Let me 
know If you have any available. I could possibly come and get one. A 
word of warning, if these transformers are that old they may contain 
PCB's. If you take an oil sample from the tank and drop the oil into a 
glass of water, the oil should float. If it doesn't its PCB.

paul m.

>Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 02:20:28 -0700
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: pole pig needed
>From: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
>Original Poster: "Benjamin W. Bouxsein" <bbouxse-at-comp.uark.edu> 
>On Wed, 3 Feb 1999, Tesla List wrote:
>I am in Fayetteville AR, and the local electric company here is willing 
>donate 5 surplus government distribution transformers to my local Tesla
>Coil society.  Each is rated at 50Kv, but if that is too much they have
>many (really cool looking) transformers from the 20s-40s.  They are 
>If your interested I could give you one of the ones we would get.  I 
>dont need 5.  
>Let me know,
>Ben Bouxsein
>> Original Poster: "Jeff Corr" <corr-at-enid-dot-com> 
>> I just blew my last spare neon, and I'm tired of doing that!
>> If anyone withint 600 miles of Oklahoma has a pig for sale,
>> at least 13.8kv, 3kva pig or higher,  please contact me off the 
>> Thanks!
>KK    KK     RRRRRRRRR      ZZZZZZZZZZ     RRRRRRRRR      Univ.Arkansas
>KK  KK       RR      RR          ZZZZ      RR      RR     Student Radio
>KK KK        RR      RR         ZZZZ       RR     RR
>KKKK         RRRRRRRR          ZZZZ        RRRRRRRR       
>KK KK        RR   RR          ZZZZ         RR   RR
>KK  KK       RR    RR        ZZZZ          RR    RR       
>KK    KK     RR      RR     ZZZZZZZZZZ     RR      RR                

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