Re: Tesla Coil Operation - was "Harmonics"
Thanks Malcolm. So was Tesla's work of wireless transmission in vain?
Did the sparks at Colorado grow as the resonant frequency bounced off
the inside of the earth? I am just now reading his Colorado Springs
notes - will take me awhile to get through it. Even if his sparks were
not 135' long, wouldn't the fact? that they grew indicate a possibility
here? Last question: Do you recommend Richard Hulls analysis of CSN?
I don't want to get off subject here - but this is important to me to
know the truth.
Bob V
> > Bob V
> Unfortunately the 135' is regarded as a popular bit of mythology. If
> you read the CSN in detail, you'll see that Tesla never claimed such
> a distance. He did claim that if he stretched the sparks out so that
> the kinks were straightened, he would have hit around 100' *from the
> tip of a spark issuing from one side of the coil to the tip of a
> spark issuing from the other*!!! NB - you do not get such sparks
> issuing simultaneously except when recorded time lapse on a photo!
> Richard Hull did a sterling bit of detective work in measuring
> Tesla's peak point-point spark lengths (which is the standard claim
> here) and recorded it in the Guide to The CSN. I don't remember the
> exact figure but it is around the 30 - 35' mark at most.
> Of additional note is the fact that some coilers on this list
> (I am not one of them) run at far higher power levels than Tesla ever
> did. Moreover, they have the benefits of modern low loss insulation
> and modern engineering for gap construction.
> Malcolm