"Now that last sentence was quite a surprise to me.
I am presently using a tuning coil made of 1/4" hard steel tubing
(higher losses than copper, I know). This makes adjustments
easy when changing cap sizes, however, (and also decreases
the coupling slightly).
My real primary coil is made from 3/8" copper tubing. While
the 3/8" doesn´t get warm at all, my tuning coil (which is only a
fraction of the µHs of my primary coil) gets pretty warm during
a run. After a 5 minute run it is very slightly uncomfortable to
the touch (guessing 40-45°C). I am running a static gap, so I
couldn´t tell you my BPS. I am guessing it is over 100 BPS (50Hz),
but I wouldn´t bet on it.
Coiler greets from germany,
My primary does get warm, but not uncomfortable to touch (my definition
of hot). The HV ceramic filter capacitors I am using get so hot that I
can't run them more than a couple of minutes at a time without losing