Re: Help...I'm having a lot of problems here...
>Power source:
> Furnace transformer or NST (I'm not sure):
> -10KVA
> -25 milliamp
>Cap (set back for a good laugh):
> -12x 2KVDC .01 uf ceramic caps soldered in parallel for
>total of 24KVDC
> -submerged in mineral oil in plexi box
>Spark gap (another joke):
> -plexi box with three adjustable gaps in series
> -3/8" copper tubing
> -ID 7.7"
> -Wire spacing ..875"
> -5.5 total turns
> -wound flat (0 degrees)
> -4.2" diameter (thin wall PVC drain pipe)
> -21" long winding
> -22 ga wire - enamel coated
> -shellaced before and after winding
> -4" dryer duct
> -12" diameter center of tube to center of tube
>Now here is the problems we're having:
>After hooking up the cap the way all the schematics show I get no
>at the spark gap at all. BTW, the way I read the schematics, one
>of the cap attaches to the output of the transformer and the other
>to the ground. Now, if I attach the cap in a series (one terminal
>the other output) I get spark at the gap.
>I have gotten absolutely no discharge at the torid whatsoever...sure
>light a flourescent tube nicely though :-)
>Does anyone have a suggestions...I'm sure some of you must! Your
>is greatly appreciated, since the science fair judging in
>this Thursday.
Are you sure you're in tune? Make sure all your components are good.
Make sure your cap is good, make sure your xfmr is good, and make sure
your wireing is good. I'm assuming you mean 10KV not 10 KVA. It should
cross a gap of about 1/4 of an inch, so make sure you're gap isn't to
wide. I don't recall ever seeing a diagram w/ the cap grounded at one
end. You're primary capacitance may be to low to allow you're coil to
be tuned.
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