Re: This phase shift stuff...
"Hi Jim,
One could build a TC in a can which would increase the
capacitance along
the seconday greatly and push the system into more of a transmission
type of system. However, would this be a realistic system to compared
the regualar kinds of Tesla coils we all use? I am really looking for
effects in the standard type of system with no tricks.
The can would have to be large enough to avoid too much "shorted turn
effect", and also to avoid breakdown at the upper terminal. This would
dictate a can/shield diameter of many times the coil diameter, and under
this condition the can would have no effect. I personally think that
the heavily top-loaded coil (big toroid) is the way to go. The extra
capacitance lowers the surge impedance of the coil (as the inductance is
adjusted to keep a constant resonant frequency), and makes it easier to
couple high power into the streamers from the secondary.