Re: Elementary Lecture
As being a jr. high school student and having put on some demonstrations
(well, 3 for elementary and jr. high school) with my friend, the trick it to
make it short and sweet. Add comic relief, if possible. Do many experiments
that look really cool, like the CD frying demo (microwave a CD for 5 sec. and
put near the TC with a grounding above and watch sparks go through the CD and
then handing out the vaporized CD that is transparent). My friend and I have
been riding on one simple analogy that people can relate to (well, more than
one it you break EVERYTHING down, including frequency of electricity and
modification with the caps.). We say that a lot of little people come in and
pig out at 3 different restaurants then go work out by running on a track.
Also, we use the "Water Pipe" analogy. Say that electricity is like a water
pipe with water in it. Amps is like the amount of water that is coming
through, and say that volts is like the speed of the water. Then say the net
force is called watts. I have no idea how to explain EMP, electo-magnetic
power transfer between pri. and sec. coils. Just relate to things that people
know about and go from there. If you would like, I have included a list of
experiments (and how to perform them) that my friend and I do at
presentations, or just for the fun of it :)
Flash paper airplanes - Make a paper airplane out of flash paper with a paper
clip. The flash paper will combust with no heat (not any that is noticeable)
and will combust all at once with no chard at the end (except for some junk on
the paper clip).
Frying a CD - [see paragraph for details]
Sparks - self explanatory (discharge). Try getting people do hold the
discharge cord
Florescent light WPT (Wireless Power Transmission) - (don't ask, there's a
story behind this) Put a flor. light next to tesla coil.
Crona discharge - Just let is run with no grounding.
Smoke detector - Put a smoke detector near the tesla. It should go off. Do
this on the side of a demo.
Plasma globe - Get a globe filled with neon (from neon supply shop with about
2.7 leters at atmospheric pressure) and put it near the TC.
RF scramble with radio or R/C car - Get a remote controlled car (AM Frequency)
or radio and put them near the TC and watch (or listen for that matter) them
go all crazy due to RF signals.
Human chain - get audience members and form a line with the last person
holding a flor. light. You are nearest to the tesla coil with the grounding
wire. Demo. of the "Skin" effect (elect. transfer on the skin).
BTW make sure there is NO one with a pace maker near the thing when it is
Hope this is helpful.