Re: Mineral Spirits
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: ElectronX-at-aol-dot-com
> I've been looking around for mineral oil to build my poly plate cap, and I
> found that Home Depot sells mineral spirits. They say it is the same as
> mineral oil. Will this work?
> Matt Behrend
Don't believe it, they are lying to you. Mineral spirits is a common
household solvent that is quite thin and watery and is commonly used as
a thinner for some types of paint. Mineral oil has a much higher
viscosity than mineral spirits, more like a 10 to 20 weight automotive
Mineral spirits is also very flammable, which is not a desireable
property if your homemade cap blows up and atomizes a quart or more of
the stuff with a high voltage arc present, unless you are into self
immolation! Instant inferno!!
Real mineral oil is readily available in drug stores or in larger
quantities at farm supply stores.
Ed Wingate RATCB