Re: Elementary Lecture
> Original Poster: "Ross W. Overstreet" <ross-o-at-mindspring-dot-com>
> That is an excellent question that I would love to see answered. An even
> better
> twist is that I have noticed that after the arcs reach the 30 inch range,
> don't seem to "care" as much about the ground rod and seem just as happy
> reaching
> out into space.
> Brian Basura's coil doesn't even seem to like ground rods, even though he is
> producing healthy 4-5 ft arcs! Yes, I'm sure the rod and the bottom of his
> secondary were adequately grounded... Is there a scientific explanation for
> this
> or is his coil just "confused"? hehehe
> Anyone have any ideas on this one?
My explanation for the "ignoring the ground rod" phenomenon: the
voltage is not high enough for a direct leap. Instead, successive
sparks grow in the tracks of their predecessors.