Re: Elementary Lecture
One explanation could be that Brian's secondary has a fairly high Q.
Bringing the ground rod near the terminal introduces more capacitance to
the secondary which may detune it enough to reduce spark length. This
theory could be tested by increasing the primary inductance slightly (add a
few tenths of a turn) to see if the arcs to the ground rod get a little
> Brian Basura's coil doesn't even seem to like ground rods, even though he
> producing healthy 4-5 ft arcs! Yes, I'm sure the rod and the bottom of
> secondary were adequately grounded... Is there a scientific explanation
> this
> or is his coil just "confused"? hehehe
> Anyone have any ideas on this one?
> --
> Ross Overstreet
> ICQ# 20762411
> www.geocities-dot-com/CapeCanaveral/Cockpit/3377/