

Hi all:
		My sons and I tried out our 2" x 12" coil again using our 
mark-1, mod-1 spark gap based on terry's design. The spacing between the gaps 
is now approx. . 0085"/gap.  We started out using our solenoid wound primary 
and found out that it was arcing to the secondary. At lease something's 
arcing. :-)
		Back to the 30 degree inverted cone primary. Using 8 gaps (4 
plus, and 4 minus) , primary tapped at 3 1/2 turns, we were getting multiple 
6" streamers all around the edge of our 2" x 12" toroid. (toroid is now 
elevated 4" above secondary) I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, because 
everything appears to be going well. :-))

		I do have a question for Terry about the proper setting for 
the safety on the spark gap.  I usually set the safety gap about two gaps 
behind my shorting bar.  The closer I get to what appears to be resonance, 
the more activity I see between the shorting bar and the safety.  Should I 
move the safety back further, or keep doing what I have been doing?

Rich Sebzda, With Adam and Kevin in the caboose.
Your friendly neighborhood repairman of Computerised Axial Tomographic x-ray 
Scanners. (I also do MRI but don't tell anyone)