
Tesla stuff for sale on ebay


This message was sent to me from Jeff.  


 Chip Atkinson 
 --- If I can't fix it, I can fix it so it can't be fixed --

Hello All,

Currently on Ebay I have several auctions of my antique coils for sale.

Included is an auction of eight portable Tesla Coils, with Geissler tube

Included also an auction of three marble top Tesla Coils, all with rare
geissler tube attatchments and cautery tools.

And last is an incredible Tesla x-ray machine, from Frank S Betz, with
modern reproduction of x-ray tube.  It throws an incredible 6" spark, and is
from 1910.  Powered by an electromagnetic interrupter,
and NOT by a transformer/spark gap, this is NOT an induction coil.
Secondary coil is very unique in that is a large flat spiral of wire.
This machine is based on the earliest commercial Tesla Coil, the Kinraide
coil of 1896.

In the next week or so, the rest of the literally dozens of coils should be 

Please respond via private email, as with this message I am off of the Tesla

Jeff Behary, jeff_behary-at-hotmail-dot-com

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