Re: Corona and Sphere - Puzzle -addition
Hi Jim,
> Original Poster: "Jim Lux" <jimlux-at-jpl.nasa.gov>
> The spark continues to extend not so much because it is a lower
> impedance, but the extending leader/streamer causes a local
> concentration of the E field at the end of the leader. It is likely
> that this end is "closer" to the other electrode (which might be an
> extended "ground"), so the spark will continue from there. It is much
> like the already existing leader is a "wire" which extends from the
> electrode.
> There are some important dynamic effects as well.. It takes a finite
> time for charge to move from the electrode into the leader, as well as
> a finite time for the leader itself to develop. For instance, the
> charge moving along the leader has to heat the air enough to ionize it
> and make it a conductor in the first place. Large top electrodes have
> large capacitance and voltage (which means lots of stored charge),
> and, as well, low surface inductance, so the charge can quickly move
> into the leader from the surface of the toroid.
> For a good theoretical development, with much of the latest research,
> I suggest that you find a copy of Bazelyan and Raizer, "Spark
> Discharge" published by CRC press.
Does that really address the problem posed by the unmasked
portion of the terminal not breaking out despite being at a high
enough voltage to do so?