
Voltage Doubler Problem

Hi Folks,
     I have always had a fine time with the diode / capacitor "level
shifted" supply for tube coils, but I've been blowing a lot of diodes
lately.   My big tube coil has a 3000-volt Collins transformer.  The
doubler is composed of a 10 kV, 6 microfarad capacitor and a 15 kpiV, 1.4 A
rated rectifier in series, across the transformer and power is taken off
across the diode.  There is a 10 microfarad, 8 kV filter capacitor across
the diode as well.  This diode has blown twice now and it's not cheap.  I
would have thought it was rated to handle this kind of voltage / current.
I also have a smaller tube coil that has also fried its rectifier.  It has
a supply composed of an MOT, six oven capacitors in paralell, in series
with three oven diodes in paralell.  There is a filter capacitor of 0.5
microfarad across the diodes.  I have provided a lot of detail in hopes
that someone might know what the big problem is.  The only remedy I can
think of is to upgrade to 30 kpiV diodes from 15 kV ones, but it may not be
a voltage problem.  Thanks in advance for any assistance!