Re: weird primary design
That ought to work just fine for a coil, though try to use plexiglass or
some other plastic rather than wood for the board. I don't know what you
mean by "preform the primary". If you use copper tubing, then it will
come from the box in a coil, all you have to do if gently increase or
decrease the curvature of the coil to match your form.
Grayson Dietrich
On Wed, 15 Mar 2000 20:28:09 -0700 Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> writes:
> Original Poster: Fucian-at-aol-dot-com
> Hi,
> since I dont have any access to a saw or a drill press,I was
> wondering if I
> could take my main 2ft by 2ft board and drill holes where the normal
> primary
> wire supports would be.Then I would simply put wire ties on each set
> of holes
> thus holding down a turn of the primary.Any one know how to preform
> the
> primary or know any other alternatives to this since I dont have a
> saw for
> cutting slats or a drill press for drilling precise holes?
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