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The NEW Tesla Museum

Original poster: "Tesla Museum by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>" <tesla-at-electrotherapymuseum-dot-com>

Hello Tesla Enthusiasts,

The NEW "Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum" has reopened after
a year or so of reconstruction...and invites everyone for a tour !!
It is perhaps the largest collection of antique Tesla Coils in the 
United States.

contains over 1,500 files including detailed photos of hundreds of 
machines -
including Tesla Coils, Induction Coils, Vacuum Discharge Tubes, X-
Ray Coils,
Diathermy Machines, Violet Ray devices, Carbon Arc Lamps, Static 
Electric Machines,
Galvanic and Faradic Medical Batteries, Oudin Resonators, Ultra-violet 
Ozone and Irradiation
Apparatus, and countless others...

During the next month an additional 200 photos of EXTREMELY rare 
Tesla Coils from 1896 - 1910
will be featured a new section entitled "Early Tesla Apparatus". 
Some of these coils are very unique:

The Knott Apparatus from 1897- the first Tesla Coil ever placed on 
the market (for X-Ray use)
The Kinraide Coil - 1901 - One of the most efficient Tesla Coils 
ever designed

The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum will be offering reproductions 
of these two apparatus.

As the curator of this museum, I have personally used and tested 
over 200 Tesla Coils from the Turn Of The
Century.  From these designs I have made special Tesla Coil components 
that use the best technology from
all of these machines.  Included are:

* Secondary Coils with threaded coil forms.  These coils are virtually 
flawless in that coil spacing is perfect and finished coils
  have windings that are extremely resistant to accidents, scrapes,
loosening, or unwinding.  It allows space winding for
  higher powered coils using large torroids, but also allows close-
winding of within one or two TPI.

* Self Cooling Stationary Spark Gaps.  These gaps replace rotary 
spark gaps as well as inferior gaps made from pipe fittings,
 brass spheres, or tungsten carbide.  They are made of either 100% 
Tungsten or 2% thoriated Tungsten as per request of the buyer.
 They have extemely long lives, and are based on early spark gap 
designs that were made to operate CONTINUOSLY.  The gaps
 in the original machines that these are based on still function 
perfectly after 50, 75, or even 100 years.  Anyone who uses spark 
 made of anything less than 2% thoriated tungsten is wasting their 
time and money.

* Electromagnetically Interrupted Induction Coil Apparatus - The 
"Plug and Play" component for modern Tesla Coils.  Based on
  the early X-Ray machines that were made to use both alternating 
and direct currents of varying voltages and supplies, these
 lightweight induction coils use a massive tungsten interrupter and 
modern capacitors.  Their physical design remains faithful
 to the early apparatus, allowing the user to build an authentic 
Tesla Coil using a non-electronical alternative to the standard
 neon sign transformer / condenser / spark gap arrangement.  Pancake 
Style Coils originally used by Tesla and inventors of the
 "Kinraide Coil" and other early portable X-Ray Apparatus were used 
in conjunction with these coils to produce 6-7" flames of electric
 powerful enough to excite early X-Ray tubes drawing only a few amps 
of current from the mains.

* Pancake Style Kinraide Coils - Multi-layer Tesla Coils approx. 
1.5" tall x 8" in diameter that produce electrical flames rather 
 simple spark discharges.  Their efficiency is unmatched, and even 
when excited with small apparatus drawing only a few amps 
 powerfully ionise the surrounding air and produce showers of loud 
crackling sparks not unlike a large X-Ray Coil.
 When driven with kilowatt transformers, condensers, and spark gaps 
these coils produce electrical flames, which, when fine tuned
 can produce the famous discharges noted in Tesla's lectures and 
others "as thick as a man's wrist".

Please take some time and visit the website.  It is still under constructions,
with hundreds of additional
photos being taken as you read this.   So visit often, and email 
me to be put on a mailing list when new and unique coils are
added to the site from my vaults...as of 24. Jan 2001 the site has 
over 100,000 hits from alternative doctors, science enthusiasts,
museums, collectors of the bizarre and unusual, and, fellow collectors.
I thank everyone who visits.

My best regards,
Jeff Behary 
email: jeff_behary-at-hotmail-dot-com
curator of The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum