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Re: Tesla's Myth question
Original poster: "davep by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>" <davep-at-quik-dot-com>
Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: "Teresa T by way of Terry Fritz
><twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>" <MsTeresa-at-models-dot-com>
> Hi there,
> I am a student at LSU and I was wondering if you can help me out with some
> information on Tesla's Myth. The central question is whether or not Tesla
> really invented a means by which electricity could be transported through
> the air or through the ground and used by customers in the ways we use
> electricity now.
He may have thought he could. He may or may not have realized
it was undoable.
> If this myth is true,
It isn't. As near as no one can reproduce it.
He left (as noted) explicit patents & notes. Following
them leads nowhere.
> then why is it that we currently use live wires which are vulnerable
> to wind damage and ice storms??
They work.
(If underground, they ignore ice storms.)
> If it isn't true, then why did it developed??
Tesla THOUGHT he could make it work. That much is clear.
Many people read that much and stop. Tesla lived a great deal
longer. Whether he realized it could not be done is unclear.
WE (with 100 years more knowledge) can see a variety of good
reasons why it won't work. (simplest, perhaps:
Broadcast power is just that: _broadcast_
It goes everywhere, which means that there is
little power available at any one point.)
Wireless _beamed_ power is something else. That works.
Its not clear it is useful, yet. It may be. Try:
> I've browsed through many of Tesla related sites, and
> haven't found any information about Tesla's Myth...
> If you have some time, can you briefly educate me on this topic?
I've read the Colorado Springs Notes (mentioned) and other
Writings BY (rather than ABOUT) Tesla. I've built (smallish)
coils & work with (& understand) electric power systems
on a daily basis.
In my opinion (having studied it, and being knowledgable
on the proposed technology):
Its a classic case of a myth, based on overoptimistic
technical projections. Since its origin, it has been
revived, because it would be nice IF it would work.
(Ponder the sideffects of HUGE amounts of power,
hugely larger than normal radio/TV being dumped
into the environment....)
dave p