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Re: Safety Gap, Grounding, and Secondary Questions/Bipolar Oudin Considerations
Original poster: "Malcolm Watts by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <m.j.watts-at-massey.ac.nz>
Hi John, all,
On 16 Aug 2001, at 16:15, Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: "by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>"
> In a message dated 8/16/01 2:53:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > Perhaps then the best application of a direct base
> > excited(by direct line connection as in Oudin Coil)
> > example is the magnifier, showing indeed that the
> > direct line base excited coil to be superior to that
> > of ordinary inductively coupled secondaries.
> Harvey,
> I still waiting for someone to demonstate that a magnifier
> can produce longer sparks than a classic coil for a given
> input power. I used to be a magnifier advocate. But not
> after I did some comparative tests.
> John Freau
I admit that I too am deeply skeptical since there are no theoretical
grounds I'm aware of for magnifiers producing more energy than is fed
into them. Experiments I've also done have yet to show that
magnifiers have any advantage in this respect.
To my knowledge, there is still not a definitive formula out
there for optimising the resonator L/C ratio to get the best possible
result at the lowest useful breakrate as outlined by Greg Leyh for a
given primary energy. Defining this is a personal goal in my quest to
do the best I possibly can from a 230VAC 10A outlet. Bigger bang
sizes seem to be better than greater breakrates at some point so I'm
shooting for 100Hz breakrates and the largest primary energy that
wall socket allows me assuming wallplug to primary efficiency can be
pushed well in excess of 90%. At an ideal 100%, that is 23J. I think
that a figure in excess of 8' is on but this remains to be
demonstrated. Should I achieve this, it will not be with a short
resonator, at least not in a 2-coil system. The driver system in a
magnifier running at this primary energy would be sized in some
inverse proportion to the resonator.
I once fantasized about a magical 10' at 2.3kW but that would
seem to be rather too optimistic.
"Some day, one day......."