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Re: Latest WCSTSG
Original poster: "Metlicka Marc by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <mystuffs-at-orwell-dot-net>
Hi terry, list
Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: "Terrell W. Fritz by way of Terry Fritz
<twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <terrellf-at-qwest-dot-net>
> Hi Marc, Ted and the List,
> I figured that the water filled tubes would run 2 hours without a refill
> but that is assuming the air does not help cool them. Of course, the water
> volume can be increased if needed.
What about using some anti-freeze or mineral oil in the tubes instead of
the water?
I drilled the mounting hole to 3/4 inch
> and I have flat washers so they can be positioned as needed. I just used a
> ring of 1 inch copper pipe for the field distorting trigger ring.
I'm going to be working on some different designs soon to come, I will
be reporting as i go.
If there are any metallurgists on the list, I have a thought on the
erosion problem terry was seeing in the little carbide inserts.
I know that if one tries to gas weld over something that was brazed, the
brass or copper seems to migrate into the new steel welds no matter how
hard we try to keep it out?
I'm wondering if the copper or brass could be mixing with the carbide in
the heat of the arc causing some "funky" alloy or something???
> I snapped a bunch of pictures below which are pretty self explanatory. I
> need to check to see if 250pF isolation caps, in-line 5 ohm resistors to
> the coil, and resistor type ignition wire reduce the noise back to the
> dimmer control, reducing the need for the big load resistors. Other have
> mentioned that this works well...
I've been using a 3 ohm 25 watt resistor in line to the limiting coil
and it seems to smooth things out nicely, this combined with the big
triac that i soldered in place of the wimpy triac that comes in the
dimmers or fan controls, seem to work very well.
Great work and I'm happy to see more coilers giving it a go.
Marc M.
> http://hot-streamer-dot-com/temp/TerrysWCSTSG/
> This gap could be enclosed too. I tried covering to top but it seemed just
> as loud, but I was running without a secondary so the gap was dissipating
> the full cap energy. I also noticed that the ozone an NOx build up in the
> box if it is closed. After running it, I pulled the top off and the fumes
> almost knocked me over :<O
> Cheers,