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Re: First Light- Bad Results!

Original poster: "Jake Draper by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <cybermecium2-at-home-dot-com>

I live in San Diego, CA and there are not very many, if any, oil heaters or
trannies around here. I've been working on my coil and I made more primary
turns and it seems to be in tune at about 8 turns. I can get about 1" sparks
(WHOOHOO!) with a fair amount of corona. Although the streamers are weak, it
does a good job turning a light bulb into a plasma ball and lighting a
flourescent tube from about 2 feet away. Hey, at least it impressed my friends!
-------Original Message-------
From: <mailto:tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>Tesla list
Date: Friday, June 15, 2001 07:20:15 AM
To: <mailto:tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: First Light- Bad Results!
Original poster: "Hans Scholze by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>"


I can sympathize with your trouble finding NSTs, but have you tried looking
for oil burner ignition transformers (OBITs)? I don't know about your
location, but where I'm from (Kodiak, Alaska) just about everyone heats with
oil. Whole furnace units frequently show up at the dump/scrapyards with
good OBITs on them and most plumbing/heating services will have a pile of
them which they don't reuse because of liability concerns. I happen to be
lucky - the father of one of my friends from school owns a heating service
so I hace access to a huge pile of OBITs, many of which work fine. OBITs
are great for small coils, and if you stack them in parallel you can get a
respectable ammount of power. I recently finished a OBIT-powered coil that
works great. I am getting about 30" of streamers from two transformers and
I plan to add more. I have heard that they are unreliable and prone to
failure, but have never had any problems myself.

About your coil: I have never had much sucess with very small coils.
Before my current coil (4.5" x 18" secondary) I built a number of small one
and two inch coils but could never get more than 5" sparks from them. No
one else has mentioned your spark gap. I have foung that a good gap makes a
HUGE difference in performance. You should either spread yours over at
least 3 - 6 smaller gaps in series of blast air through your single gap.

Also, a lot of people will probably tell you to get an MMC. I have one and
its great, but not necessary. I have had great results with bottle caps

Others have already covered the other two weak points - your primary and

Have fun. I built my first coil sometime around age 13 also. Now everyone
thinks I'm crazy because I just graduated from high school and there was
footage in the senior video of me sitting behind my coil throwing 30" sparks
with a flourescent light tube in my mouth!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
To: <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 6:12 AM
Subject: First Light- Bad Results!

> Original poster: "Jake Draper by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>"
> Hi, I'm the 13 year old on the list and just finished my first Tesla coil
> today. I turned it on and got bad results, about 1cm hair-thin sparks off
> top wire. Here are the specifications for this coil:
> Power Source: 12V ignition coil
> Primary Capacitor: 2 Salt water beer bottle caps
> Primary Coil: 4 turns of TV Coax Cable
> Secondary Coil: ~1000 turns (forgot how many) on a 2"x8" plastic
> Spark Gap: 2 bolts on metal L brackets, adjustable from 3 inches to
> touching
> Ground: I didn't connect it to RF ground, I just drew sparks from the
> bottom of the seconday to the top.
> Topload: None, just a wire sticking out.
> So what should I do to make this coil run at it's full potential BESIDES
> getting an NST?
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