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Motor question
Original poster: "Kent Vander Velden by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>" <graphix-at-iastate.edu>
Hi. Not directly a TC question here, but I have a motor that I
thought I might experiment with making a sync gap with. It is a
beautiful motor but I am not certain how to hook it up and want to
avoid letting the smoke out of it on a first go. This is a 1/6hp GE
motor which came out of an _old_ hard drive and is rated at 3450/2850
RPM. I am thinking this means it is a dual speed motor. It has seven
wires. One wire is ground so that leaves six to identify. The colors
are blue, purple, red, black, white, and yellow. It seems to be a
capacitor run style I believe with a 10uF cap on the side. It has a
sensor on the front to measure rotations I suspect. If anyone has any
suggestions on what the wires might be before I just start trying
the combinations please let me know.
Kent Vander Velden