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Coil Design
Original poster: "Michael H Nolley by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <nolleym-at-willamette.edu>
I have a question regarding my own secondary that I hope one of you might
I've just built a secondary on 4 inch pvc wound with 28 ga magnet wire.
I'll be
using it in a CW circuit. The bottom 30 turns or so are wound with 22 ga
in order
to prevent too much heating. I'm hoping that since it won't have to handle the
high peak currents present in disruptive coils that it will be sufficient
for my
purposes. My primary current will be on the order of 4 amps at 2-4kv. What,
approximately, is the most power that this secondary could handle in a CW
as opposed to a staccato one?