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NE Ohio Teslathon Synopsis

Original poster: "harvey norris by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <harvich-at-yahoo-dot-com>

Mark Metlica arrived several hours early. He brought
his large coil showing increased performance from last
year, and demonstrated the use of the triggered arc
gap. He also brought a smaller table size model run by
the same technique. My digital camera pictures did not
turn out. The usual technique of using Dazzle software
to capture these arcs was not tried, since my computer
had  some knid of virus that disables the program from
being reinstalled, but I have loaned Mark the program
disc, where he can try using it. Vhs tapings can then
be modified into jpegs using this software.

Mark was the only one bringing coils, but  several
folks showed up to observe his remarkable display. I
showed Mark some work with the AC alternator being
driven at 480 hz. Some experiments were made with the
idea of using a 10 KVA pole pig being driven from the
midpoints of two LC series resonances hooked to the
stator outputs. The idea of making a series resonance
at the source frequency is somewhat uncommon from wall
driven 60 hz, but an alternator giving a higher
frequency makes that option much easier, as the L and
C values to satisfy the requirements for resonance are
much easier to procur. This was tried using 2 spools
of 14 gauge wire, each being ~ 11mh. A wide gulf
between theory and reality was discovered, showing
that what I have said before may be in error. This of
course has me extremely puzzled.

This experiment was started out on faulty assumptions.
I have formerly obtained results in ~accordance with
theory when 10 of these 14 gauge coils/phase were used
as delta series resonances. These phases will be ~.15
henry and can use .75 uf for resonance. The faulty
assumption was made that by taking only one of these
coils, that 10 times more capacity could then be used
for resonance. That assumption neglects mutual
inductance considerations between those coils.
Nevertheless a demo was made using 7 uf and 11 mh
coils, when in fact the correct capacity for resonance
would be 10 uf. Under these conditions the stator
amperages from the 3 delta supply lines will be used,
instead of just two that a single phased application
would demand. The pole pig primary is wired as a load
between the midpoints of the series LC values. Now
because no load exists across the third phase, the
stator delta supply lines will be unbalanced. An
impedance test of these 11mh coils was initially made,
were they are 33 ohms inductive reactance -at- 480 hz. At
33 volts input two of the stator lines will have one
amp conduction, while the one supplying two phases 
will have 1.7 amps. Only two amperage meters were used
in these tests, one for a solitary phase consumption,
and the other for a dual, as explained above.

When this is done with 11 mh and 7 uf, the pole pig
primary will show ~ the average of the 3 stator supply
currents. It will in a sense be current limited by the
impedances of those coils. The presence of the primary
as a load between the phases prevents maximum
(reactance cancellation)conduction from occuring, but
it will occur if that load is disconnected. The
amperage through the primary will essentially stay the
same, no matter what load is placed on the secondary.
The amperage may even slightly drop if we short out
the secondary! What changes when we change the loads
placed on the secondary is not the amperage, but
instead the voltage across the primary. A small
capacitive reactance made by a 5 nf capacity was
chosen as a load. Under those conditions with about 41
volts stator input, 15 volts will be present across
the primary. (930 volts should be present on the cap)

This kind of impedance limited power supply is planned
for the use of a BRS (tesla tank)primary. Instead of
one capacity across the secondary two in parallel are
used. Each capacity has a corresponding L quantity in
series, but each branch is inversely placed across the
secondary. This means that each capacity has one
direct opposite polarity connection, and that each are
charged 180 out of phase. Twice the voltage each
contains is then available for the arc gap. When the
gap fires, the secondary essentially sees a short, and
the voltage across its primary then goes down to zero,
quenching the gap.

When Mark arrived I showed him this and plans and
components for making a SrFe coil, based on the
alternator inputs of 480 hz. Noting that the 7 uf
values were not correct, we replaced these with 10 uf,
after noting on impedance tests a 5-6 % variance of
reactance values predicted by formula. No variances
were present on the inductors, which registered their
reactances according to what would be expected. This
gave a total unexpected result. About 7 amps was
present on the outside stator line measurement, but
practically nothing through the pole pig or the inside
stator amperage measurement. This seems to then
indicate that the inside stator line was holding
currents in cancellation, exactly as a center line
from a center tap secondary does. Instead of the
amperage return taking its designated pathway, it
instead returns on the opposite outside stator line.
The only sensible thing that can be deduced from these
measurements, is that perhaps because because of the
unbalanced loads on a wye based stator, where no load
exists on the third phase, this causes the relative
voltages on the outside stator lines to then appear
180 out of phase, instead of 120+120=240 out of
also explains why little amperage conduction to the
pole pig occured, and a possible solution to the

The insight here is that when DSR's are set up around
a 3 phase circle, there is the additional requirement
that they be ORDERED, so that if we see a cap and then
a coil is series, as we go araound the circle that
order in which they occur will remain identical. If
one of the LC series quantities were reversed, this
would make it 60 degrees out of phase with its
adjacent phase, instead of 120. Now since the instance
of placing resonant loads on 2 of 3 phases appears to
alter the 240 to a 180 phased relationship according
to this hypothesis, we should then treat those
internal loads the same way as when the are hooked to
a center taped secondary. If we treat the stator zero
current line analogous to a center tapped secondary
line, for those resonant loads to be truly 180 out of
phase, they must be mirror images of line symmetry,
which in this case they are not, because the ordered
DSR arrangement was preserved. What this means is that
the reason no pole pig amperage was observed was
were occuring at the midpoints, and not opposite as
desired. What this means is that I should be able to
simple reverse the order of one of the DSR phases, so
that they are mirror image with respect to the
apparent neutral stator line, and then I should expect
much better results using the 10 uf values.

Since none of this was deduced at the time, I rewired
things using all three phases, for a demonstration of
ferromagnetic voltage rise,(obtained by simply hooking
the pole pig directly to one of the alternator phases)
vs a 180 phased resonant rise. The counterpart is
obtained by using an interphasal resonance load placed
between the remaining phasings, themselves using .15
henry DSR's, with high induction coils of 58 henry
coils for a secondary resonant voltage rise. Each of
these voltage sources can resonate these high
induction coils out of phase with each other, and then
interacted as voltage sources between them from their
respective midpoints. 3/4  inch airborne disharges
between the high induction coil resonances can be made
in this manner. The (plexiglass)capacitor foil plates
emit ringing noises at this 480 hz resonance.

Most unusual was the demonstration of adding a magnet
winding to this circuit. The pole pig side makes a
much higher voltage rise from its high induction coil
resonance midpoint than does the DSR made one.( Pole
pig yeilds 62.5/1 where DSR loaded resonance only
delivers 26/1, in normal situations using these coils)
A stainless steel plate is placed on a stack of three
4 by 6 by 1 inch ceramic magnets, with a layer of
speaker wire windings attached around the magnet
structure. These windings go to a small 4 inch neon.
An electrcal connection is made from the plate to the
pole pigs  voltage rise made by the high induction
coils resonant voltage rise. The neon barely fires
with no power input to the field, from the Barnett
effect! Touching the neon can further ionize it to
make a better display. 

Mark seemed to enjoy the  VHS tape I made for him last
year, but never got sent out. This has to do with the
conjunction of water and high BPS rates obtained from
the high induction coil Binary Resonant System, driven
at 60 hz wall voltage. Quite a few amazing scope shots
were made on that video so much so that now on my next
visit I'm going to have him make me a copy! He was
helpful in explaining in how I could get a
unidirectional DC impulse from a scope monitoring of
electrolysisor outputs. These were formerly shown on  
 Scope Forms of Electrolysisor with MWO Electric Field
Plates Attached 
Iloaded him up with some old TCBA letters, one
containing an excellent analysis of turn of century
electrical terms used by Tesla, by the Corums, and
some old ITS conference publications. Also let him
check out the CSN. He certainly has his hands full
All in all, it was an enjoyable conference for
everyone that attended. Once again thanx to marc for
making a splendid electrical display this year.

Sincerely Harvey Norris
Host of 2001 NE Ohio Teslathon

Binary Resonant System  http://members3.boardhost-dot-com/teslafy/

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