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Original poster: "Michael Secord by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <quoin_key-at-yahoo-dot-com>
Hello Robert,
You sound like you don't want to scrounge for stuff in
second-hand electronics shops and online
auctions...yet your specific request at the end of
your message: "I am also requesting that they be in
good condition Ie: no broken/chipped terminals,
missing lids, or leaky canisters. In short, nothing
wrong that a paint job couldnt fix." sounds like you
want something cheap...you can't have both. If you
want it cheap, scrounge. If you want it and you want
it now, do what I did, pull out your credit card, go
to Franceformer,
find a distributer in or near your state, and order a
couple. Then go to McMaster-Carr,
and order nearly everything else you need. An
excellent source of magnet wire here in scenic NJ is
I suspect that for a lot of people on this list,
finding the stuff is half the fun.
Good Luck, Safe Coiling
PS- hope I didn't babble too much :->
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