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Re: Beer Bottles
Original poster: "rheidlebaugh by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <rheidlebaugh-at-zialink-dot-com>
Beer bottles are normaly browm to prevent the sun light from rotting the
flavor. Beer in clear glass must be stored in the dark.US beer bottles are
usualy thin short necked brown glass not as fine a quality as yours.Green
glass is high in iron and is lower resistance. Clear glass is the better,but
I don't think you will see any difference. When using copper sulfate keep
your solution clean to prevent copper dropping out. Most buckets are
tapered on the sides. Some plastic buckets, drums, and fish tanks are
streight sided . Food processors often discard small plastic drums that cut
into fine streight sided tanks. Food drums wash clean where paint is hard to
get out. Oil supplied to service shops comes in a removable top bucket with
near streight sides. White plastic cans sold for use as storage containers
and used to supply cleaning chemicals and the like are only slightly
tapered and come with a lid. Some bakery shops have these used after they
remove the cherry or fruit toppings. Titanium welding rod wire is more
corrosion resistant than platinum. I use this for connecting wire around
salt water. It is not as easy to get as copper, but much better. Most major
welding shops in large towns can supply it.
Robert H
> From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> Date: Sat, 02 Feb 2002 19:54:19 -0700
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: Beer Bottles
> Resent-From: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Resent-Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 23:23:24 -0700
> Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>
> Hi
> I was interested to see the post suggesting the use of copper sulphate
> in the electrolyte of an SW cap; sounds good - copper is hardly going to
> attack copper!
> Now for two questions:
> Having never seen a US beer bottle - what colour are they? I have an
> enviable ( although not by my wife ;-) ) collection of long-neck West
> End Draught bottles (a South Australian brewery) which I was going to
> use for a cap or two; they are brown. I have read comments against
> using green glass, so is brown OK or do I need clear?
> Next question, and I know that it's a "how long is a piece of string"
> due to dielectric constants and the like, but what is the maximum
> (sensible) voltage on which a beer bottle could operate (without
> stringing in series).
> Sorry - that should have been three questions: from whence come the
> buckets that are employed in the Geek bucket caps? I've never seen a
> bucket in a shop which a) has parallel sides and b) has a lid. Are
> these buckets in which some product is supplied?
> Cheers
> Matthew Smith