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Drain Bamage - Re: Stop the nonsense
Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>
To follow up...
This is Tesla's 50 horsepower 100,000 BPS mercury interrupter at Wardenclyffe.
I don't think OSHA would approve :-((
Like what do you do? Pour a fifty gallon drum of mercury into it, spin it
up to speed, and start arcing 37000 watts in it...
I don't know the internal working of this thing but it looks like a mercury
vapor nightmare... Or maybe a "happy
dream" after you have been near it too long...
I have always wondered if Dr. Tesla suffered from mercury poisoning
(erethism) in his latter years? He used a LOT of mercury interrupters...
The museum in Belgrade has a lock of his hair that "could" still be tested
for mercury... Always a thought I have had...
At 10:10 PM 2/13/2002 -0300, you wrote:
>This at a time when he (Tesla) was becoming a bit more strange than he
ever was.
>Tesla did a lot of solid and sound work in the early part of his long
>career, including fundamental contributions for the development of the
>electricity generation, distribution, and use, systems that are still
>used. When he started with these "wireless energy transmission" ideas,
>the subject was still obscure, and it was not yet clear what
>was right and what was wrong. His contributions for the development of
>radio that come from his attempts of transmission of -signals- were
>fundamental, but many other things proved to be nonsense.
>Can happen to anyone.
>Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz