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Re: MOT prices
Original poster: "Sean Taylor by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <taylorss-at-rose-hulman.edu>
The 550 watts that you see on the oven is actually the rated output
power of the microwaves that cook your food . . . the MOT will
actually supply more than that to compensate for the inefficiencies of
the microwave tube . . . the oven should specify an input power, which
will be closer to the MOT power.
Sean Taylor
> Original poster: "J Whyte by way of Terry Fritz
<twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <xoom321-at-hotmail-dot-com>
> Microwave wattage output ratings don't really tell you what sort of
> maybe lurking inside the Oven. On a 550 watt oven I was able to get
a fairly
> large sized MOT. Looked more like a 900 watt coil than a 550 watt.
It had a
> BIG CORE. 550 watt models have tones of variable resistors and
> limiting curcuits in the ovens to knock the current WAY WAY down.
Outside of
> curcuit the MOT's can easily suck 1000 to 1100 watts or more which
is great
> for experimentor.