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Re: Black Hole
Original poster: "by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <Neonglo-at-aol-dot-com>
In a message dated 1/12/02 2:21:19 PM Central Standard Time,
rblaisdell-at-juno-dot-com writes:
<< Anybody else here been to the Black Hole in Los Alamos AZ? >>
While James Cart writes:
<< Hey Ry,
I live in AZ(Arizona), never heard of Los Alamos. Where is this place. I
want to go
there. >>
I believe Ry means The Black Hole in Los Alamos, New Mexico, not Arizona. Los
Alamos is located about 15 miles north and 20 miles west of Santa Fe, NM.
Also located in Los Alamos is LANL, or Los Alamos National Laboratory. This
is the same place the 'Manhattan Project' took place to develop the first
nuclear weapons. Los Alamos is often called 'Nuclear City' because of this.
Located at 4015 Arkansas Avenue, the Los Alamos Sales Company, better known
as The Black Hole, has occupied an old Piggly Wiggly supermarket and an
A-frame church since the 1970s. Practically everything in The Black Hole is
surplus from LANL, which makes for a *very* interesting mix of "nuclear
waste", as the owner, Ed Grothus calls it.
It's a Tesla coil experimenter's dream come true! I have found some very
useful and interesting things there. I found three Maxwell .08uF -at- 100kV
capacitors there for $150 for all. Also a can crushing 182uF -at- 10kV capacitor
for $100. Bought a pair of 120 volt, 30 amp Variacs for $100, and what looks
like a giant triggered spark gap for almost nothing. This place is so packed
with stuff it would take you more than one day to see it all. I've probably
been there a half a dozen times and only scratched the surface. If you are
into the nuclear field, this place is holy ground.
I have no affiliation with The Black Hole at all, but if you are ever in the
Santa Fe or Albuquerque, NM area, it's well worth the trip to Los Alamos to
see the BH.
Tony Greer
Special Effects Neon
Lubbock, Texas
eBay Page: http://members.ebay-dot-com/aboutme/thepacratz-at-aol-dot-com/
New Geissler Gallery: http://hometown.aol-dot-com/thepacratz/xfmrs.html