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555 timer Capacitance Meter
Original poster: "Steve Greenfield by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <alienrelics-at-yahoo-dot-com>
OK, I finally scanned the page in my notebook and
cleaned it up.
Here's the capacitance meter I designed and built in
the mid '80s. Uses two 555 timers, I used a dual CMOS
556 timer in the one I built, with PCB.
It connects to your DMM and uses the 200mV scale to
measure full scale from 200pF to 2uF. Measurements go
down to 1/10th of a pF although it is not quite -that-
I was lucky enough to find a 680pF 0.1% capacitor to
set mine with.
Great for measuring hand capacitance effects for
Theremin antennas, homemade caps for Tesla coils, and
variable caps of unknown value.
I might make some PCBs for it if anyone is interested,
or maybe a kit using SMT parts.
Let me know if you build it and what you think of it.
It is in the Test Equipment section of the Files on
Mad Scientist.
Steve Greenfield // Digital photo scanning, retouching,
Polymorph Digital Photography // and photomorphing to your specs.
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polymorph-at-polyphoto-dot-com // the world, the Amiga!
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