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Re: mmc and high current.....
Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>
Hi Dave,
I ran the numbers and got:
MMC Calculator Ver. 2.2 9/12/2000 Terry Fritz
Transformer voltage = 14400
Transformer current = .5
Firing voltage = 20364.62
Fo = 200000
Break rate = 600
Thermal dissipation constant = 22
Individual cap value = 1.5E-07
Strings Caps/Str Capacitance Voltage Temp C Cost I Arms
3 11 40.91 22000 16.29 99.00 :-)) :-( 26.28
4 15 40.00 30000 8.76 180.00 :-)) :-) 25.69
5 18 41.67 36000 6.08 270.00 :-)) :-) 26.76
5 19 39.47 38000 5.46 285.00 :-)) :-) 25.35
Looks like 4 stings of 15 caps will be just fine :-)
At 02:35 AM 1/28/2002 +0000, you wrote:
>The cap will be a .04mfd (I'm getting 15 extra just in case: ) The rotary is
>non-sync with 8 spinning electrodes at APPROX 4000-5000rpm, 600bps ???? The
>gap motor is 120v ac-dc, 0-10,000rpm and I ran it at about 45-50volts on my
>old coil. Also the old system performed well with two rolled poly caps,
>.038mfd, thats how I came up with the .04 for the new cap. This could be a
>good test for these 'Geek caps'. The ol' rolled caps held up to a few long
>runs, 3-5min. at a time at 5kva, but I did hold my variac to 200v out so as
>not to blow the caps. Don't know how much life is left in them, better get a
>mmc. Thanks for your help!!!!!!!!dave
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