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Re: Another sad Aussie coil story, primary capacitance
Original poster: "Mr Gregory Peters by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <s371034-at-student.uq.edu.au>
Dr Res:
Thanks for that. I've never run a coil that high above the primary but I
will certainly give it a shot. I have made several other coils (though
not quite this big) and I figured the relatively low input power (4-5kW)
would not destroy this coil no matter how bad the tune. Boy was I wrong!
>From now on, low power testing only! Could I have some more detail on
the primary capacitance causing racing arcs theory? BTW the secondary is 12"
Greg Peters
Department of Earth Sciences,
University of Queensland, Australia
Phone: 0402 841 677