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RE: Donations to the Tesla list
Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>
Hi Ken,
We don't have paypal or anything like that.
Anyone who would like to donate can send to:
William W. Atkinson
P.O. Box 846
Erie, CO 80516
For international donators, I humbly request that US funds be sent. If
that is not possible, I'd like to figure some other way than a check. Not
that I'm ungrateful, but my credit union totally robs me and I end up with
about 1/2 of the amount sent, and they don't even have a Tesla coil in the
lobby! Perhaps some sort of computer equipment, SCSI disk drives, Cisco
675 or 678, chocolate...
At 07:39 PM 10/11/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>Does the list have a Paypal ID??
>I'll gladly donate $10 to the list. It's has saved me 100x that in
>wasted efforts and poor results.
>Kudos to Chip and Terry!!!
>Ken Stevens