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Re: That Marx-like primary idea
Original poster: "harvey norris by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <harvich-at-yahoo-dot-com>
--- Tesla list <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> wrote:
> Original poster: "K. C. Herrick by way of Terry
> Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <kchdlh-at-juno-dot-com>
> On 9/20/02 I posted
> http://hot-streamer-dot-com/temp/marx-pri.gif showing my
> notion of a Marx-like primary configuration. Since
> then I've been
> playing around with Newbury Technology's SiMetrix
> simulation program &
> have come up with
> http://hot-streamer-dot-com/temp/marxpri1.gif,
> http://hot-streamer-dot-com/temp/marxpri2.gif and
> http://hot-streamer-dot-com/temp/marxpri3.gif.
> ...pri1.gif is the schematic of a set of 4
> capacitors that is resonated
> at 60 Hz, in parallel, with a series inductor
Things on paper with are ideas are often fantastic,
but it is also proper to understand how PRACTICAL, and
how that practicality can compare to reality. In the
REAL world, 60 hz resonant circuits are VERY
Impractical. This is because of the fact the VERY HUGE
INVOLVED. I have worked with source resonant frequency
possibilities for quite a while now. Very few folks
work with them because of the associated costs of the
inductors involved. On the teslafy Yahoo site carried
with my sending mail, this shows the arcing made with
two 60 henry coils made at opposing series resonances,
made by usual bipolar means. The arc is very small
compared to how arcs with tesla coils can be made.
When you are refering to source resonant frequency
circuits, this is entirely different from the typical
tesla coil circuit. Check out
Binary Resonant Arc Gap schematic
Also from
(portions repeated concerning Marx gap idea repeated
for everyones benefit):
It is important to realize also, this is a process of
nothing to do with the primary tank arcing process in
a Tesla coil. That is simply because the currents in a
CURRENTS TO BEGIN WITH; but rather currents of
predominantly capacitive reactance. This is not to say
that the principle here espoused could not be adapted
for a special tesla coil set of bipolar tank
primaries, but this is not known simply because no one
has yet taken the opportunity to build one that way.
If it were built that way the best description and
name for it would be a Marxist Arc gap,
based on a dual Marx bank of single ( and not multiple
caps normally employed in Marx Bank methods of voltage
rise) being charged in opposite polarities and then
being discharged at the gap. Basically that idea is
only a dual Marx bank, with each opposite capacitive
polarity given L quantities in series contained as the
bipolar primaries as the total tank circuit for the
Tesla coil. Since no one has elected to select such a
method, I have made certain measures to test this in
the future: using large primaries of thick aluminum
wire; but for now the work on making that kind of
tesla coil system has come to a halt, with only one
half of that primary system being completed. Work on
tesla coils had ceased after the voltage kickback
that wiped out a meter in testing of the three phase
triggered arc gap, but it will be continued when the
second half of this large primary construction is
completed. That meter was restored to its performance
by finding a reset switch on the circuit board after
dismantling the meter casing. Thank You Radio Shack
for including this option: which I was unaware of! Now
there are many people who themselves have constructed
bipolar tesla coil systems, but those coilers
generally do not comprehend what I am driving at here,
and no one to my knowledge has constructed such a
system as I have described it. The confusion regarding
this issue is so rampant among tesla coilers that even
the esteemed Bill Wysock had replied that he had
built such a bipolar tesla coil system when I had
submitted the idea to the tesla list at pupman-dot-com
some years ago. It is simple to ask them: does your
bipolar system employ a single capacity configuration?
If it does you have no idea of what I am talking
about: for I am talking about having two distinct
capacities, charging them in opposite polarities of
contact, and discharging them at the gap in a dual
Marx bank fashion: where each capacity has an
associated inductance in series. But enough talk of
tesla coils as this is not the topic here at all: the
topic from now to completion will be the demonstration
of this new type of resonant circuit: which
again I am sure every knowledgable soul will declare
to be impossible."
So there you have it, sometimes a single idea can be
made very complicated by overlooking the obvious! Just
because a Marx gap employs multiple capacities does
not mean the simple adaptation to tesla coil
configuration has to also employ multiple caps. Think
about how the same idea would have to work when only
two caps are employed. Hope you can be the first to
take that idea into a reality!
Sincerely HDN
So there you have it, anyone can do it if it is
possible, but I see more important things on the
Sincerely HDN
Tesla Research Group; Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances