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Re: Magnifier conversion
Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>
Hi Steve,
At 10:31 AM 4/15/2003 +0100, Steve wrote:
>I wouldn't mind spending lots of money on IGBT bricks, and lots of time
>designing a flyback converter-based charging circuit, if I thought the
>OLTC magnifier was going to work well. But at the moment I have no reason
>to believe that it'll be any better than a 2-coil system. It would be more
>like "you pay, you don't play." Also, it will be much more complex,
>because of the new charging circuit, and the main reason I liked the OLTC
>was simplicity.
>I'll see how Terry Fritz's magnifier conversion goes. If it gives longer
>sparks than the 2-coil system, there may be a case for going ahead.
A good plan. Although there has been much discussions about 3 coils
systems, there is still the need for a little more R&D work and modeling
verification. OLTCs are not forgiving of trial and error design, so having
the details and all worked out first is best. This is why I also choose to
work on a conventional system first.
>>The peak voltage was 323kV (ideal case). It was easy to modify my
>>present MicroSim model for my small coil to add these values and some
>>real good guesses as to what the actual losses will be:
>>Happily, even with the losses (especially the streamer loading), the
>>values still give very good if not almost perfect C1 to C3 voltage conversion.
>>The peak voltage drops to 226 kV with loading. However, the old model
>>only got to 129kV!!
>>That should give 3X the power to a streamer for a brief instant!! While
>>the two coil system gives a lower voltage over many cycles, the magnifier
>>gives a much higher voltage over fewer cycles.
>I don't understand what's going on here, surely conservation of energy
>means that 1/2*C1*V1^2 = 1/2*C3*V3^2 + losses, whatever the configuration
>of coils. So did that extra 100kV come from a reduction in losses through
>faster transfer? When I modelled the 2-coil and 3-coil OLTCs, the peak
>output voltages were almost identical. The 3-coil case was about 5% higher.
A Tesla coil may easily burn up 50+% of it's energy in losses. Ideally, I
would get 227kV on the toroid. However, the gap and other losses (the
streamer is also considered as a loss here) reduce that ideal top voltage
to only 114kV. However, the very fast and lower loss transfer of the
magnifier seem to reduce that loss drastically giving a toroid voltage of
188kV! Here are side by side voltage plots for a conventional and
magnifier system (the numbers are changed some since I am now modeling with
the new larger toroid):
So if the peak voltage really does increase 65% the streamer length
"should" too. This coil performance was right at the spark lengths
predicted by John's formula at 28 inches before. So maybe now it will do
46 inch arcs from a 9kV/30mA NST! But have to actually see that to believe
it ;-))
In the case of an OLTC with the gap losses already very low, the advantage
of a magnifier system my not be so nearly as great. However, primary and
other losses are still very high, so maybe the magnifier methods could
still help the OLTC a lot. Have to study this more in light of the results
with the conventional magnifier.
Gary Lau wrote:
>While stranded wire will certainly work, depending upon the operating
>frequency, AC resistance losses will be considerably higher than with the
>same gauge in a solid conductor.
I now model the secondary wire at 20 ohms and get a peak voltage of
187.791kV. I raised the resistance to 80 ohm and the output voltage was
185.282kV (models are great for these questions ;-)). So the resistance is
not a big deal (a good thing since I already ordered the stranded wire
;-)) Stranded wire is easier to "play with" in this case and I already
over sized the wire anyway.
I think the key to the low loss is that the peak current in the secondary
is only 12 amps as opposed to 215 amps in the primary. A 1.5 ohm spark gap
resistance in the primary burns a peak of 70kW while the peak power loss in
the secondary is only 2.9kW! That is the key here. By transferring power
to the higher Z circuits as fast as possible, we can reduce the power loss
24X !!
John Wrote:
>Building a magnifier is not very critical. Magnifiers as they are
>commonly built, don't offer any real efficiency benefit compared
>to normal 2-coil systems.
>Antonio has done some theoretical work which suggests that
>a special magnifier design may outperform a 2- coil system,
>but this is difficult to achieve, and has never been demonstrated
>in a spark-producing coil.
It is interesting that the large C2 needed for Antonio's design would not
be available in a small coil, but may be naturally available in a large
coil. This might explain why "small" magnifiers just seem like
conventional coils, while larger coils with considerably more natural C2
capacitance work so much better. For a magnifier to work other than a
conventional coil, C2 has to be a very large capacitance. Otherwise, there
is no difference. In a small system (smaller than Wysocks ;-)), we need to
add a special C2 capacitor. In my system, C2 has to be 164pF. But the
Cself of the secondary coil and the wire from the secondary to the extra
coil are only 29.8pF. That is probably not enough to give any great
advantage. Thus I am adding a 134pF 120kV MMC style cap to C2. If all
goes well, this should give much higher output power as mentioned above.
The C2 MMC (High Voltage => (HV-MMC)) is easy to make. It is far easier
than I thought it would be, so I don't think these "small" magnifiers
mentioned by Antonio are hard to make at all. With a large toriod, C2's
value is pretty high which lowers the secondary voltage (<80kV peak)
helping to prevent primary to secondary breakdown and putting the voltage
easily into the HV-MMC range. At first, I forgot about the other stray
capacitances so my HV-MMC probably should have had smaller value caps. But
I can go down to 100pF right now which should still be fine (it can be
tapped at 99 points ;-)). The HV-MMC seems like it will be perfect and it
can even self heal if it takes streamer hits ;-)) I am also putting in the
bleeder resistors since they will work just as well in this case. A 150pF
cap at 150kV could pack a pretty big punch especially considering it could
arc 3 inches!!
We'll just have to see... I guess I am surprised Antonio's system has not
really been tried before!? Modeling is certainly suggesting that the
performance will be far greater!! Also, the magnifier may be less affected
by the long streamers de-tuning the system reducing spark length. The
magnifier may be able to "drive" the streamers far easier than a more
tuning sensitive two coil system. One problem may be getting the gap to
quench on the first notch. That usually adds resistance. But not a big deal.