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Re: Microsim Modeling - SRSG

Original poster: "Jeremy Scott by way of Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>" <supertux1-at-yahoo-dot-com>

 > You need to model the 15/60NST.  See:

 > By adding winding resistance and reducing the
 > coupling, the short circuit
 > current will be reduced to 60mA just like the real
 > NST.

I'm actually modeling a potential transformer, which
has no internal current limiting or center tapped
secondary. I always though the resistance in your
diagram (2373 on each side of the secondary) was for
the wire resistance of the secondary, not actually
intended for current limiting. I measured the DC
resistance of a 15/60 NST and I got about 3.5K on each
side. Anyway, (15000V/4746ohms) = 3.16A. Add the 10K
worth of filter, and it becomes 15000V/14746 = 1.01A
Still both way too high.

So I'm guessing the real current limiting then comes
from the primary side variac.

 > >So, do we fire on 60Hz peaks, giving 120BPS, or
 > >should we try for more BPS in hopes to achieve
 > >more spark length performance.
 > If you reduce the cap size (resonant or less) you
 > can get higher BPS.  Not
 > sure that does any good at all.

I think it's because really small caps can be
charged multiple times over the ac half cycle.
A .03uF cap takes about 9 ms to charge given
14400V/.240 (PT) charging. Take that down to
.01uF and I would think 3 BPS per ac half cycle
would be possible. (360BPS) I would think this
would lead to many smaller purplish streamers
or fire as opposed to giant long white power

 > See:
 > http://www.richieburnett.co.uk/indkick.html#kick

Thanks! I appreciate the resources.
BTW: I built your TCT tonight, but modified the
frequency range since I have no use for 500kHz
coils :) It got my 'small' 4.5" coil within .4 kHz
of it's actual value -- not bad!
Darn near beat my scope and signal generator.
Must think about adding a meter in place of the
LED though.

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