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Re: Dead 833s? (was:RE: new single 833A VTTC)
Original poster: humanb-at-chaoticuniverse-dot-com
Steve, yes I have killed several. Only thing is, they
were all used and of unknown condition (e-bay). I did
kill several 833C's also, again unknown condition. One
833A was entirely my fault, overvoltaged and it arced
internally producing a nice mirroring on the inside of
the tube, quite pretty, really. Most deaths have been
filament failure, but have seen the purple glow from
hell (vacuum somewhat compromised). Also I had two
833A's with only one functioning filament each I was
able to get up to 25" sparks before they died. The
warnings of used tubes ;-P
The tubes I have that are new (NOS) have yet to fail me.
I have a tube that the plate got to hot and melted a
hole in it (you can see the grid/filaments) still works
fine as long as I don't stress it to much. BTW, the one
that arced internally was at well over 6000V.
David Trimmell
On Tue, 23 Dec 2003 14:21:39 -0700, "Tesla list" wrote:
> Original poster: "Steven Ward" <srward16-at-hotmail-dot-com>
> Wow Dave! I think i heard someone else mention
> 833s as well (Dan?).
> Just wondering, has anyone killed an 833A in VTTC
> service yet? If so, what
> was the failure and what was the cause?? I for one am
> very curious! Even
> more curious as to how far you could push one of these
> tubes before they
> give up.
> Steve