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RE: Exciting Change in SSTC Board Designs - Still taking and need more orders...
Original poster: "Mccauley, Daniel H by way of Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>" <daniel.h.mccauley-at-lmco-dot-com>
This could be done, however, the primary driver for this design is my
requirements. I'm only selling to the group as a courtesy since I'm already
having boards built. Also, many people on the group have been asking for a
SSTC board buy for awhile, so I thought i'd help them out.
The driver portion is based on a very simple TL494 PWM controller which has
been used over and over again. Its certaintly not the best thing out there,
but it has proven to work well. Providing audio modulation is nothing more
than adding a RCA audio connector and a resistor or two for dc blocking and
filter response. Extremely simple. Nothing complex about it.
The complex part was experimenting with different schemes in the first place
to get the audio modulation to work. Now that it does work, its as simple as
simple can get. Just connect audio in, and audio out. Nothing else !! !!
The TL494 is actually a much simpler IC than the 555 timer in my opinion.
Both the TL494 and 555 timer implementation have
about the same amount of parts in the design.
But yes, a 555 timer would do the job just as well.
A simple FBSSTC would work very well too except my requirements dictate the
need for fixed frequency output.
The Captain
> What if you also made some more simple boards?Liek for
> beginners?Like say a
> simple FBSSTC?Just the driver and maybe a half or H-bridge
> and no audio mod...
> For me, all this audio stuff is really cool, but seems to be
> a bit much
> considering my only SSTC built to date that works, is a
> single mosfet with
> a 555 timer :-P
> Just a thought,
> Matt